Explain Text. A CRC for the BinHex file in this document detected an error; use this file with caution as it may be damaged. There are no more occurrences of the text you were looking for in this mailbox. The text you were looking for could not be found in this mailbox. You can’t reply to this message because it does not appear to have any information about who sent it. Your return mail address in the Mail configuration panel is not valid. It must be in “user@host.domain” format. The “uuencoded” file in this document could not be uudecoded. The BinHex file in this document could not be decoded. You must specify a recipient (‘To:’) for mail before it can be sent. The clipboard is too big to paste here. Copy a smaller selection to the clipboard and try again. An error occurred trying to create a new file. Make sure your disk is not full, locked, damaged, or missing, and try again. An error occurred trying to access a file. Make sure your disk is not full, locked, damaged, or missing, and try again. The disk you are trying to save the message to is full, locked, busy, or damaged. Check the disk and try again. There is not enough memory to save the current message. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’'s memory allocation. There is not enough memory to 'rot13' encode the current selection. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’'s memory allocation. There is not enough memory to append the current selection. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’s memory allocation. There is not enough memory to print the current selection. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’s memory allocation. You can’t find such a large selection. Make the selection smaller and try again. There is not enough memory to forward the current message. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’s memory allocation. There is not enough memory to reply to the current message. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’s memory allocation. There is not enough memory to send the current message. Try closing some windows, or increase {{appname}}’s memory allocation. There is not enough memory to “Undo” or “Redo.” Close some windows and try again. There is not enough memory to “Paste” from the clipboard. Close some windows, or increase {{appname}}’s memory allocation. The current operation cannot be completed because you have run out of memory. Save your work and “Quit” as soon as possible.